Friday, May 13, 2016

Bug List

Entertainment websites and applets like Pandora or YouTube are no longer commercial free commodities.

5 Why’s:
·         Companies see that free sites, like YouTube or Pandora, have high customer traffic, so they want to place advertisements there.
·         Advertisements are needed by sites to make money.
·         Money is needed to pay for tech support managers.
·         These media have become so popular they need constant maintenance.
·         YouTube and Pandora have become so popular because they are free media.

The life of cell phones based on battery, data capabilities, and durability are designed to last only 2-3 years.

5 Why’s:
·         Cell phone manufactures need people to buy new phones each year.
·         Cell phone companies need to make money.
·         If phones lasted longer people would keep their current phone and not buy a new one.
·         Most people only need one working phone.
·         People only need one phone because they take that one phone everywhere with them.

It is standard that you must age 25 or older to rent a car or you will incur extra protection fees.

5 Why’s:
·         Rental companies want more experienced drivers to use their vehicles.
·         Older drivers are less likely to engage in excessive drinking and reckless behavior
·         Therefore, experienced drivers are less likely to get into accidents and they can pay for damages should an accident occur.
·         Younger drivers don't have income to replace damaged vehicles.
·         Drivers with a steady income can be sued should the rental agency find it appropriate.

Tedious TSA checkpoints exist at every airline.

5 Why’s:
·         Airlines need to make sure everyone has ticket before getting near the gate.
·         Airlines need to make sure no dangerous materials are allowed on the plane.
·         Airlines need to make sure passenger devices won't interfere with plane mechanics.
·         These security measures function as legal protection for airlines and foster a safe environment.
·         If customers don’t feel safe they won't fly and airlines will lose money.

People still use their cell phones while driving even though it is illegal in many places.

5 Why’s:
·         Everyday time constraints combined with people still needing to talk on the phone encourages law breaking.
·         Many people don't have Bluetooth in their car but still need to use phone
·         Often people think using speaker phone is safer than holding the phone to their ear, so it encourages them to break the law.
·         Many driver’s find talking a quicker alternative to texting.
·         Most people think they won't be caught on their phone by law enforcement.

Shipping trucks drive dangerously on highways.

5 Why’s:
·         Typically truck drivers on long journeys are dangerous from lack of sleep.
·         Deadlines for delivery trucks aren't reasonable.
·         Truckers need money and want to collect delivery bonuses from employers.
·         Employers want inventory as quick as possible to sell for profit.
·         Customers have an instant gratification mentality so demand quick delivery from companies.

More libraries are disappearing (closing down).

5 Why’s:
·         More books are being turned into digital media.
·         People prefer digital e-books because they’re easier to access as opposed to physically going to a library or bookstore.
·         E-books are easy to access because they’re cheaper to produce and spread digitally
·         The cost efficiency of e-books has a less drastic effect on environment.
·         You no longer have to kill trees to make paper for books.

Florida suburbs, particularly South Florida have a subpar bus system when compared to other states.

5 Why’s:
·         Most stores close by 10pm so south Florida residents typically return to their houses early.
·         Most people in South Florida have personal cars to get to and from their houses.
·         The majority of people have cars because it’s an area where older citizens settle.
·         Older citizens who own cars choose to live in South Florida since it’s a higher income area.
·         South Florida is a higher income area due to the number of wealthy people that retire there.

On average Nike's cost around $100 to buy, but far less to make.

5 Why’s:
·         Wholesalers buy on average each pair of shoes from Nike for $50 and the retail markup has 100% price increase so stores can guarantee profit.
·         Each pair of shoes sold to wholesalers cost 50 dollars because Nike must pay a Selling General and Administrative expense amounting to $15 per pair in addition to the 4% tax on each pair of shoes usually amounting to $2.00.
·         These fees cost what they do because the materials, insurance, and labor needed to make one set of Nikes cost $28.50.
·         Including these previous factors Nike shoe company has to make at least a 9% profit off each pair of shoes produced which amounts to $4.50.
·         This profit is paid to employees and stockholders while a portion of it is reinvested into the company.

The majority of video game console systems are no longer backwards compatible (play previous generation games).

5 Why’s:
·         Making consoles play modern games and older games would cost companies too much money.
·         Companies use resale of previous console content on newer current system platforms as downloadable content to sell customers essentially the same game twice.
·         Also, making consoles backwards compatible would make systems bigger and harder to transport. 
·         Consoles would become bigger because technology from old systems would need to be added to modern tech in order to read old data.
·         This added weight and bulk would discourage some consumers.

There is high rate of restaurant closure.  

5 Why’s:
·         It’s hard to keep consistent stream of customers.
·         Customers are creatures of habit looking for a consistent product which is hard for some restaurants to produce.
·         There is a high employee turnover rate in the restaurant industry meaning staff changes constantly at some restaurants making quality food hard to duplicate.
·         It is hard to find dedicated employees to work at one restaurant consistently due to long shifting schedules that exploit workers.
·         Workers in restaurant deal with lower wages so they have to work longer shifts and eventually want out of the job all together.

Marijuana is not legal but decriminalized in many areas throughout the country.

5 Why’s:
·         Keeping the substance in a gray area between legal and illegal may deter individuals from using it without putting as much stress on the prison system.
·         Officers won't be forced to arrest individuals caught with the certain amounts substance, but the average citizen still won’t use it for fear of incurring legal consequence.
·         People are unfamiliar with the term decriminalization so they’ll stay away from a substance all together.
·         Individuals don't often take time to research the constantly changing laws of every county or nuances of terms, like decriminalization.
·         Most people don't have time to do this research. 

Florida has a lackluster system for water runoff.

5 Why’s:
·         There isn’t enough access to ground drainage.
·         You cannot dig deep in the ground in certain areas to create ground drainage.
·         The water table depth in Florida is 1 to 1.5 meters meaning there are very few places you can dig deep under the surface without hitting ground water.
·         Florida is a very moist state composed of wetland and swamp.
·         As a peninsula, Florida is surrounded by water and is also the nations flattest state being directly at sea level in many spots.

Airfare to Florida is always amongst the most expensive in the country.

5 Why’s:
·         Airlines seek to profit off the inexhaustible amount of people flying to Florida.
·         Florida is one of largest tourist destinations in the world.
·         Tourism is big in Florida because it has some of the best theme parks and beaches that are easily accessed all year round.
·         It’s warm all year round so people can visit.
·         Obviously, Florida is warm from being so close to the equator.

There are so many potholes in my hometown of Baltimore Maryland.

5 Why’s:
·         Streets in Baltimore are old because it’s an old American city where the streets have suffered a lot of wear and tear beyond cars.
·         Asphalt suffers a lot of damage from salting.
·         Salt is put down to stop excess water from turning into ice.
·         We get the excess water because during the winter snow melts in the day time and will refreeze after temperatures drop back down at night.
·         Ice can also cause damage to roadways and endanger lives.

All officers aren't required to use dash cameras and body cameras.

5 Why’s:
·         The government doesn't want law enforcement equipped with cameras.
·         Many states don't have money to buy all the video equipment.
·         In this dangerous line of work of its likely many cameras would be damaged and need to be replaced.
·         Not everyone is trained to use high tech camera equipment or would want to learn how to do so.
·         People don't like being under constant surveillance.

There is a large amount of hatred and vitriol you find online.

5 Why’s:
·         People find online to be the perfect place to express strong emotional opinion.
·         The worldwide web an open forum where anyone can have a voice.
·         Online there is little to no consequences for having an unpopular opinion.
·         There is a lack of consequences online because people can operate under the guise of anonymity.
·         There are few people who would go to the lengths of tracking down the person behind an online identity.

Aerosol cans cannot be recycled which seems wasteful.

5 Why’s:
·         Aerosol cans are considered hazardous household materials; thus they cannot be recycled.
·         Aerosol cans are considered hazardous because the way aerosols are pressurized at 2-8 times normal atmospheric pressure.
·         Canisters that have not been completely depressurized are still flammable.
·         Chemicals are used to pressurize aerosol cans making the metal non-reusable.
·         Chemical pressurization is cheaper and more than alternative means.

Fresh food markets are more expensive than less healthy alternatives.

5 Why’s:
·         It cost more for markets to get fresh ingredients.
·         Fresh food markets pay more to transport their food.
·         Transportation and storage for fresh ingredients cost more because they do not have preservatives.
·         Given these fresh foods have such a limited shelf life, markets often have to get them locally.
·         Increased pricing shrinks the potential customer pool so the customers that do buy from fresh markets have to pay more in order to make up the difference.

Personally I am not a fan blogs.

5 Why’s:
·         I spend a tremendous amount online already so caring for a blog at times appears tedious.
·         It may be tedious since I’m not always comfortable publishing my thoughts online.
·         The internet is a place where it is easy to misconstrue someone’s opinion.
·         Although I tend to be very clear and very direct in many of my messages there is always room for misinterpretation.
·         I’m one to welcome criticism, though I usually like all my critics to be informed and with the internet that is not always the case.


Crafting this list wasn’t that difficult for me because I can be pretty vocal about what bothers me. However, thinking of annoyances that had at least five stages between the initial problem and the root cause was slightly difficult. I find most problems can be simplified as being caused by two or three stages of issues that typically lead back to money or basic human needs as the root of their existence. Overall, this was an interesting critical thinking exercise.  


  1. First of all... look at you going above and beyond! Had me reading for a hot minute! But anyways battery life is literally one of my biggest pet peeves. Omg rental age at 25 kills me... my boyfriend and I are going to Cali this summer but neither of us are 25 so we can't even rent a car! Like how ridiculous is that?!!? Potholes- Gainesville has some terrible ones too! Bruhhhhh, every single person I have done a review on has had healthy foods are expensive as one of their bugs- including myself. Like c'mon, America. Get on pace with the rest of the world please!! Good list, agreed to nearly all of them! Hopefully we can start seeing these bugs differently with this class.

  2. I think it's great that you wrote not only one, but five why's to explain why your bug might exist. I only identified one but the truth is I don't know why that bug exists, there could be several reasons why it exists and I might not be thinking about it that way. I also like that you included bugs that not only affect you and I, but also affects the environment. Specifically, the aerosol cans because this damages our environment but it is something that bugs you. I really enjoyed reading this post, great job!

  3. Wow, what a great bug list! You listed five reasons why each bugs you. It is fantastic that you can identify reasons why things bug you, it will make it easier to create solutions. As Kayla stated above I like how you didn't point out things that bother you but also bother the environment. The way you though and perceived this assignment was creative! My favorite (the one I relate to the most) out of your list is how healthy food and fresh food markets are more expensive. That is very true in every city!
