Saturday, May 28, 2016

"Testing the Hypothesis, Part 1"

Foreword: I will be including the interviews that accompany this blog post at a later time.

Being a fan of sports and the sports entertainment industry the health and futures of athletes are things that occupy my attention. In recent years with the recent media attention being paid to how the NFL handles concussion, the integrity of the National Football League has been brought into question. Surprisingly, there are even more oversights in the industry of sports entertainment where athletes no longer contracted by programs receive no medical benefits.

Hypothesis: Wrestling companies in the United States refuse to provide athletes with proper medical care during and after there violent careers. 

  • The who: Wrestling companies like WWE
  • The what: Refuse to provide athletes with proper medical care
  • The why: There is an issue because the average career of any stunt athlete is riddled with injuries so it may be difficult to afford medical coverage for both current and retired wrestlers.

This issue not on
ly affects athletes but their families who are often left with enormous medical bills to care for their loved ones. Also, many times the family must cope with the fact said athlete is suffering from severe physical or mental impairment by the conclusion of their career. The web address at the bottom of my page will link to a blog post of a paper I wrote last year. In the paper I outline some of the safety practices of WWE the premier company in American sports entertainment (which is different from the professional/collegiate sports industry). The only solution to the problems faced by current and retired wrestlers is for their employer/former employer to prioritize the health of their workers.


  1. Hey Angelo, great post! This topic is something I have never personally thought about. I like that you have a personal tie to this topic because you are a big sports fan. I also like that you stated that this issue affects not only the athletes themselves but also their families. I skimmed through your paper you wrote and you made several good points. I like that you picked a topic you've done research about.

  2. Angelo, you bring up a really important and valid point in your hypothesis post. The wrestling industry has grown to be huge and involves so much more money than a lot of people realize. However, athletes in that industry also suffer much more serious injuries than people realize. Audiences and business people involved in the sport of wrestling love the entertainment and love the money that goes along with that entertainment, but the protection of the wrestlers, their bodies and their loved ones should be a first and foremost priority, especially when the funds to do so are there. Also, your extensive research and writing on the topic proves you have a solid foundation for this issue and could really take it further to make a change. Great job!

  3. Hi Angelo. I think you are taking on an interesting and worthy opportunity in providing athletes with proper medical care. It seems athletes are given just enough care while playing to keep them playing and drawing that revenue stream for the corporation, but are hung out to dry in retirement when they need the care the most. I will admit, I'm not exactly sure what your solution to this problem is or how you plan to influence and change an extremely powerful conglomerate. I look forward to hearing your interviews and gaining some insight on your solution. Good luck.

  4. Angelo, you brought up a really good point, I had never really put this into thought. I think these athletes should get proper medical care just as others do. If they're susceptible to the same injuries then they deserve the same care. Your idea of providing this opportunity is difficult to understand. I think it's something to take up with the companies rather than the customer (the wrestler/ family).

  5. yeah I have always thought about the same thing. Especially when you look at UFC or Boxing. They constantly take direct blows to the head and are getting knocked out often (unless you're good). While it is entertaining to watch someone get "KO'd", there has got to be serious medical consequences for participating in these sports. I want to join a boxing gym and get into it, but I'm afraid of head trauma due to fights and messing up my beautiful face.

  6. Hi Angelo - nice post! This is something very important that I think should be taken more seriously. The NFL is trying to reduce concussions to prevent their athletes from suffering long-term brain damage. I think wrestling organizations should also be doing research to prevent their athletes from suffering as well.
