Saturday, May 28, 2016

"My solution"

In my hypothesis post I added  a link to a paper I wrote detailing the problem with the medical coverage sports entertainers receive, or rather the lack thereof. The only way to rectify this issue is for the companies like WWE which are billion dollar organizations to put together a reasonable medical plan. However, to force companies to do this the workforce in this case independently contracted wrestlers may have to reconsider unionization, striking, and filing a lawsuit similar to that NFL players with their concussion suit. As long as the revenue stream continues to flow towards the top brass of professional wrestling entertainment ownership no one in charge will feel the need to change how business is run. The only way to change business procedure in this instance is to make conglomerates feel pain in their pockets. However, if a benevolent third party organization perhaps for profit or charity could fill the void for these athletes and provide them a desperately needed service than the responsibility could be taken out of the hands of the WWE.

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