Sunday, July 24, 2016

Celebrating Failure

Our friend, Thomas Edison, once remarked -- rather famously! -- that he didn't fail to invent the lightbulb 1,000 times. No! He just discovered 1,000 ways that didn't work. 
In this exercise, bare your soul.
1) Tell us about a time this past semester that you failed -- whether in this class, or outside of this class. Don't spare any details! It'd be even better if there was something you tried several times this semester, and failed each time. 
2) Tell us what you learned from it.  
3) Reflect, in general, on what you think about failure. Failure is hard, isn't it? It's embarrassing, sure, but it also means that we have to change something about ourselves. Talk about how you handle failure (emotionally, behaviorally). Finally, talk about how this class has changed your perspective on failure -- are you more likely to take a risk now than you were four months ago? 
Please include a picture with this post. Also, don't forget to include the phrase "Celebrating Failure" in the post title. Share the post URL here, and don't forget to make the declaration. 

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