Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Reading Reflection #2

For my second reading assignment in Principles of Entrepreneurship 3003 I read "Cognitive Surplus", by social media theorist Clay Shirky. Shirky defines cognitive surplus as the ability of the world's human population to voluntarily work in unison on large sometimes global projects. Its a simple definition for a very intangible concept, but it does explain how globalization through technology has allowed for collaboration among the widespread masses. However, a key factor of cognitive surplus is that it can only occur during periods of free time in a person's day. Any information or skillful efforts contributed by an individual hoping to aid in cognitive surplus must be done of their own free will. The second half of cognitive surplus is the current media tools available to create and communicate. 

In my opinion this book relates extremely well to the learning style of this ENT 3003 class. It has a positive message that empowers the reader, teaching them anyone at any given moment can have global impact. Hence the book's tone properly reflects the class. Shirky says a new conception is needed for the word media so it will no longer be perceived as something professionally produced. The following quote is how he prefers to define current media "Here’s mine: media is the connective tissue of society." If I were to design an exercise based around the information in this book I would have a contest between where involved must use as many different media mediums as possible to contact one person in their life at a time to deliver a piece of information. They could use different apps or websites such Snapchat, Skype, Tinder, Facebook, Instagram, blog comment areas to contact one person deliver a small piece of information then move onto a different form of media outreach. After a 24 hour period participants would tally their total number of people contacted. The purpose of this simple exercise is to show people how many different forms of media outreach we didn't have at the end of the 20th century.

My biggest surprise moment of the book probably came when Shirky explains his unique view on some of the benefits of older piracy sites like Napster. Obviously he appreciated the sharing platform for a hungry customer base. He looks at my generation as being more law abiding than our predecessors because with crime rates dropping considerably in numerous parts of the industrialized world millenials devoted ourselves to a particular type of criminality cyber sharing/theft. I've seen few people Shirky's age appreciate Napster in such a way.  
Overall it was a really great book and I encourage everyone to read it though if you do not have the time to read the book you can find Clay Shirky's Ted Talk presentation online where he explains more about Cognitive Surplus.

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